The Allãh Lexicon and Arabic

The Function of Allah Expressions in Arabic Interaction: A Conversation Analysis Study


  • Habeeb M. H. Al-Saeedi Department of English, College of Education, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Al Diwaniyah, Iraq



Conversation analysis, Allãh Lexicon, Allãh Expressions, Insha’Allāh, Al-Hamdullilāh


beside their literal meanings, Allãh expressions have acquired over time a number of non-literal meanings that have become accessible to speakers as conventionalized meanings. The present study highlights that Allãh expressions can be used as devices to achieve certain conversational purposes such as holding the floor, changing the topic, closing a turn or ending a conversation. It is a conversation analysis study concerned with investigating the function of Allãh expressions; it aims at exploring what function these expressions may achieve in Arabic everyday interaction.


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How to Cite

Al-Saeedi, H. M. H. (2019). The Allãh Lexicon and Arabic: The Function of Allah Expressions in Arabic Interaction: A Conversation Analysis Study. Journal of University of Human Development, 5(3), 142–149.



Conference Paper