Obstacles to the application of the indicators of good governance in Iraq for the period (1996 - 2014)


  • Moein Sabt Arf College of Administration and Economics, University of Nawroz, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Hashem Muhammad Saeed College of Administration and Economics, University of Nawroz, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.




This research seeks to intellectual theoretical analysis of the concept of good governance and the dimensions and standards and their relation to economic and human development by focusing on the case of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in the current political changes and economic structure of the country and international variants of liberalism, globalization and the call appearance to follow the transparency and the fight against corruption in the light of the challenges facing the modern state and governments in the context of globalization and global openness and the need to take into account the new role of the state governments and the involvement of civil society and the private sector and even the free media in decision-making and achieve real development by providing a suitable environment for business and investment.

 It was found from the six ruling published indicators by the World Bank, it continues to decline in Iraq, especially after the year 2005 due to poor governance and the continuing political instability and rampant corruption, nepotism and political quotas and the absence of the role of institutions and the provision of regulatory frameworks to promote development and the development of the economy, and the rule of public sector philosophy and the absence of the real role of the private sector and this is the most important impediments to the application of good governance standards in the country.


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How to Cite

Arf, M. S., & Saeed, H. M. (2017). Obstacles to the application of the indicators of good governance in Iraq for the period (1996 - 2014). Journal of University of Human Development, 3(1), 181–202. https://doi.org/10.21928/juhd.v3n1y2017.pp181-202


