Comprehension of the Principle of Good Administration in the Framework of EU Administrative Law


  • Areean Mahmood Mustafa College of Administration and Economics, University of Human Development, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



good administration, principle of care, right to be heard, obligation to state reason, fundamental rights, administrative standards, charter of fundamental rights of the European Union, EU case-law


Good administration is a European administrative principle that could be deemed as an instrument for enhancing transparency, legal certainty and predictability in administrative procedures. There is no certain definition for the principle. The definitions differ depending on the disparity of the viewpoints. Charter of Fundamental Right of the European Union classifies the principle as one of the fundamental rights of individuals, while the European Union’s Courts differentiate between the various sub-components of the principle to establish a comprehension for their characteristics. The current article suggests that the principle could be understood from both sides, although perceiving it as a fundamental right would more reasonably establish a stronger protection for the individuals in their contact with the administrative institutions; as the individuals’ rights are now more central in the modern administrative systems around the globe.


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[20] Case 11/70 Internationale Handelsgesellschaft mbH v Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle für Getreide und Futtermittel [1970] of 17/1271970.
[21] Case 4/73 Nold KG v Commission [1074] ECR 00491.
[22] Joined Cases C-204/00 P, C-205/00 P, C-211/00 P, C-213/00 P, C-217/00 P and C-219/00 P, Aalborg Portland & Others v Commission [2004] ECR I-00123.
[23] H.-J. Blanke, "The Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe," in The European Union after Lisbon, Constitutional Basis, Economic Order and External Action, H.-J. M. Blanke, Stelio, Ed., ed Berlin -Heidelberg: Springer- Verlag, 2012, pp. 159-232.
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[25] Case C–49/88 Al-Jubail Fertilizer Company (Samad) and Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Company (Safco) v. Council [1991] ECR I–3187, para. 15.
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[28] Resolution (77) 31 of the Protection of the Individual in Relation to the Acts of Administrative Authorities, C. o. M. the Council of Europe, 1977.
[29] Recommendation CM/Rec (2007)7 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Good Administration (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 20 June 2007 at the 999bis meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies).
[30] European Parliament Resolution of 15 January 2013 with Recommendations to the Commission on a Law of Administrative Procedure of the European Union (2012/2024 (INL)).
[31] The European Code of Good Administrative Behavior t. E. Ombudsman, 1999.
[33] H. C. Hofmann and C. Mihaescu, "The Relation between the Charter's Fundamental Rights and the Unwritten General Principles of EU Law: Good Administration as the Test Case," European Constitutional Law Review, vol. 9, pp. 73-101, p. 86, 2013.
[34] J. P. Solé, "EU Law, Global Law and the Right to Good Administration," in Global Administrative Law and EU Administrative Law, ed: Springer, 2011, pp. 133-145, p. 140.
[36] See eg Case 32/62 Maurice Alvis v Council [1963] ECR 49, at para. 1; Case 64/82 Tradax Graanhandel BV v. Commission [1984] ECR 1359, at pp.1366, 1367, 1369, 1370, 1372, 1376, 1377 and 1379; Case 223/85 Rijn-Schelde-Verolme (RSV) Machinefabrieken en Scheepswerven NV v Commission[1987] ECR 4617, at paras. 7 and 12; Case T-83/91 Tetra Pak International SA v Commission [1994] ECR II-755, at paras. 24, 27, 28, 30, 31 and 230; Case T-209/01 Honeywell International Inc. V Commission [2005] ECR II-05527, at para. 47; Joined Cases T-458/09 and T-171/10 Slovak Telekom a.s v Commission [2012] ECR nyr of 22/3/2012, at paras. 65, 67, 68 and 69; Case T-286/09 Intel Corp v Commission [2014] ECR nyr of 12/6/2014, at paras. 619, 621 and 626; Joined Cases T-413/10 and T-414/10 Socitrel — Sociedade Industrial de Trefilaria, SA and Companhia Previdente — Sociedade de Controle de Participações Financeiras, SA v Commission [2015] ECR nyr of 15/7/2015 at para. 370 and 416.
[37] See eg Case 178/80 Amedeo Bellardi-Ricci and others v Commission [1981] ECR 03187, at para. II, p. 3191; Case 64/82 Tradax Graanhandel BV v. Commission [1984] ECR 1359, at p.1372; Case T-167/94 Detlef Nölle v Council and Commission [1995] ECR II-02589, at paras. 53, 61, 67, 69, 77, 79, 88 and 89; Case T-209/01 Honeywell International Inc. v Commission [2005] ECR II-05527, at paras. 56 and 66; Case T-299/08 Elf Aquitaine SA v Commission [2011] ECR II-02149, at para. 242.
[38] See, eg Case T-196/99 Aera Cova and Others v Council and Commission [2001] ECR II-03597, at paras. 22, 28, 38 and 43; Case T-15/02 BASF AG v Commission [2006] ERC II-00497, at paras. 30, 472, 501, 502, 526, 590, 591, 592, 593 and 604; Case T-193/04 Tillack v Commission [2006] ECR II-03995, at paras. 89, 101, 106 and 127; Case T-66/01 Imperial Chemical Industries v Commission [2010] ECR II-02631, at paras. 196 and 233; Joined Cases T-394/08, T-408/08, T-453/08 and T-454/08 Regione autonoma della Sardegna and Others v Commission [2011] ECR II-06255, at paras. 72, 99 and 158; Case T-299/08 Elf Aquitaine SA v Commission [2011] ECR II-02149, at paras. 33, 232, 234, 235, 238, 240 and 241; Case T-297/11 Buzzi Unicem SpA v Commission [2014] ECR nyr of 14/03/2014, at paras. 18, 137, 142, 143, 144, 147 and 148; Case T-286/09 Intel Corp v Commission [2014] ECR nyr of 12/6/2014, at paras. 359 and 365; Case T-436/10 HIT Groep v Commission [2015] ECR nyr of 15/7/2015, at paras. 165, 172 and 187; Joined Cases T-413/10 and T-414/10 Socitrel — Sociedade Industrial de Trefilaria, SA and Companhia Previdente — Sociedade de Controle de Participações Financeiras, SA v Commission [2015] ECR nyr of 15/7/2015, at para. 187; Case C-61/14 Orizzonte Salute — Studio Infermieristico Associato v Azienda Pubblica di Servizi alla persona San Valentino — Città di Levico Terme and Others [2015] ECR nyr of 6/10/2015, at paras. 37 and 40.
[39] H. P. Nehl, "Good Administration as Procedural Right and/or General Principle?," in Legal Challenges in EU Administrative Law, Hoffman and Türk, Eds., ed: Edward Elgar, 2009, p. 334.
[40] See eg., Case T-167/94 Nölle v. Council and Commission [1995] , ECR II-2589, at paras. 53, 67,77,79 and 89; Case C-248/99 P French Republic v Monsanto Company and Commission [2002] ECR I-00001, at paras. 92-93; Case T-88/13 P, Z v Court of Justice of the European Union [2015] ERC nyr of 19/6/2015, at para. 28.
[41] Case T-167/94 Nölle v Council and Commission [1995] ECR II-2589.
[42] Case C-16/90 Detlef Nölle v Hauptzollamt Bremen-Freihafen [1991] ECR I-05163.
[43] Case C-16/90 Detlef Nölle v Hauptzollamt Bremen-Freihafen [1991] ECR I-05163 at paras. 23-38.
[44] Case 32/62 Maurice Alvis v Council [1963] ECR 49.
[45] Case 32/62 Maurice Alvis v Council [1963] ECR 49 at para. 1.
[46] Case 17/74 Transocean Marine Paint Association v. Commission [1974] ECR 1063.
[47] J. Schwarze, European Administrative Law. London: Sweet& Maxwell, 2006.
[48] Case 17/74 Transocean Marine Paint Association, para. 15.
[49] Case 85/76 Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. AG v. Commission [1979] ECR.
[50] Case C–49/88 Al-Jubail Fertilizer Company (Samad) and Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Company (Safco) v. Council [1991] ECR I–3187.
[51] See Case 85/76 Hoffmann, para. 9 and Case C–49/88, Al-Jubail, para. 1.
[52] "Case 24/62 Germany v Commission [1963] ECR English edition 1963.
[53] Joined cases T-389/10 and T-419/10 Siderurgica Latina Martin SpA (SLM) & Ori Martin v Commission [2015] ECR nyr of 15/7/2015, para. 416.
[54] Case C-269/90 Technische Universität München v Hauptzollamt München-Mitte [1991] ECR I-5469, para.15.
[55] E. Nanopoulos, "European Human Rights Law and the Normalisation of the ‘Closed Material Procedure’: Limit or Source?," The Modern Law Review, vol. 78, pp. 913-944, 2015.
[56] M. De Leeuw, "The European Ombudsman’s Role as a Developer of Norms of Good Administration’(2011)," European Public Law, vol. 17, pp. 349-368, p.355.
[57] H. P. Nehl, "Good administration as procedural right and/or general principle?," in Legal Challenges in EU Administrative Law, Hoffman and Türk, Eds., ed, 2009, p. 349.
[58] H. C. Hofmann and C. Mihaescu, "The Relation between the Charter's Fundamental Rights and the Unwritten General Principles of EU Law: Good Administration as the Test Case," European Constitutional Law Review, vol. 9, pp. 73-101, p. 90, 2013.
[59] See joined cases 33/79 and 75/79 Kuhner v. Commission [1980] ECR 1677, para. 25.
[60] J. Reichel, "Between Supremacy and Autonomy – Applying the Principle of Good Administration in the Member States," in General Principles of EC Law in a Process of Development, U. Bernitz, J. Nergelius, and C. Cardner, Eds., ed: Kluwer Law International B.V. , 2008, pp. 243–271. p. 254.
[61] J. Reichel, "God förvaltning i EU och i Sverige," p. p. 258 and 561, 2006.
[62] See eg Case T-193/04 Tillack v Commission, para. 127 and Case T-196/99 Area Cova and Others v Council and Commission, para. 43.



How to Cite

Mustafa, A. M. (2017). Comprehension of the Principle of Good Administration in the Framework of EU Administrative Law. Journal of University of Human Development, 3(1), 259–267.


