Re-engineering business to achieve the requirements of e-government

Field research


  • Ghassan Qassem Daoud Al Lami



Achieved success and progress organizations today through the possibility of using available resources are believed to provide broader services to the community, which is reflected based on the formulation and building the organization strategies, and that the acceleration of change necessitated the organizations follow the strategies or modern administrative methods towards the transformation of the application of e-government and one of these business environments methods (strategies) business re-engineering aimed at re-design work of the Organization.

Seeks current research to apply the principles of business re-engineering in service organizations environment as the main engine for the application of e-government administrative, and thus contributing to the processes design effectively broader and better services to the community and to provide, was launched this research of practical dilemma is the readiness of Iraqi organizations (represented by the Department of body taxes) for the application of business re-engineering through the availability of key components for the attribution of efforts to restructure and modernize the practical performance for the adoption of e-government project.

Find four basic sections includes eating the first of it research methodology (a problem and the rationale and objectives of the research, Planned premise for research, and methods of data collection and analysis) has been allocated for the second section side of knowledge, And interested third section analysis of the practical side, depending on the results of questionnaires to diagnose the views of a number of staffs in the Tax Authority research topic and finally reach the fourth section to a set of conclusions and recommendations, notably the need for direct government support and effective public organizations, and to provide an appropriate environment for the application of e-government, and the launch of the so-called concept of electronic organizations. And work to adopt the approach business re-engineering through the identification of candidate processes for re-engineering to be more important to achieve the objectives of the organization, and the need to use research centers in specialized colleges or Foreign Advisory centers to apply e-government requirements in business field.


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How to Cite

Daoud Al Lami, G. Q. (2016). Re-engineering business to achieve the requirements of e-government: Field research. Journal of University of Human Development, 2(4), 186–228.


