The impact of cognitive abilities Academy of effective leadership in the areas of organizational development A Case Study in the University of Tikrit


  • Fayaq Mashal Qadoori College of Business and Economics, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq



The research aims at determining the correlation and effect between the(Cognitive abilities of leadership) and(The areas of organizational development) , has been applied at(Tikrit University)  Through a form questionnaire distributed to(34) academic leaders of (University colleges). (SPSS) program is applied for the purpose of analyzing the data collected from the specimen. Generally, the research tries to find answers the following questions:

  1. Is there a perception among the strategic minds in the researched the importance of cognitive abilities and areas of organizational development for their organizations educational organization?
  2. Is there a correlation between the impact of the strategic thinker capabilities and the development of educational organization in the surveyed areas of relationship?.

The research found a set of conclusions and the most important is; The difference in academic leaders in philosophy and decisions lead to variation and differences in the effectiveness of the adopted development areas by educational organizations. proven a decrease in the level of contribution to the effectiveness of cognitive abilities in the areas of organizational development in spite of moral influence.

. In addition, it provides a set of proposals. The most important to reconsider building academic work tasks of leadership in educational organizations and to contain their contents and ambitions .Make the dimensions of a standard cognitive abilities to those prescribed in the leadership of the organized labor.


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How to Cite

Qadoori, F. M. (2016). The impact of cognitive abilities Academy of effective leadership in the areas of organizational development A Case Study in the University of Tikrit. Journal of University of Human Development, 2(2), 294–316.


