Individual Criminal Responsibility for Violations of International Humanitarian Law during non-International Armed Conflict


  • Mahmood Khalil Jaffar Department of International Law, College of Law, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.



         At a time when non-international armed conflicts increase, the importance of studying the application of international humanitarian law in these disputes increases. Criminal responsibility and the consequent effects of violations of international humanitarian law are considered a way prescribed by the law to ensure respect in international armed conflicts and its applicability has been proven.

           Jurisprudence and judicial decisions issued by criminal courts confirm possibility of strengthening individual criminal responsibility for violations of international humanitarian law applicable in non-international armed conflicts despite the fact that the international humanitarian law applicable to non-international armed conflicts does not contain mechanisms from which international criminal responsibility of those accused of committing violations arise.


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1- ICTY, Prosecutor, V.Tadic, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Juristdiction, case No. IT-94 – 1AR72, 2 October, 1995, para. 128.
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ج- الوثائق
1- UN. Doc. 5/1994/674, para. 42.
2- UN. Doc., 5/25274, 26 Jan 1993, para 45.
3- UN. Doc. 5/25704, 3may 1993, para.47.



How to Cite

Jaffar, M. K. (2015). Individual Criminal Responsibility for Violations of International Humanitarian Law during non-International Armed Conflict. Journal of University of Human Development, 1(3), 30–47.


