Proposed framework for the preparation and implementation of the performance budget in public universities using the ABC method (applicability to the University of Karamian)


  • Akram Ahmed Muhammed Department of Accounting, Dukan Technical Institute, Sulaymaniyah Technical University, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Karzan Adnan Khzer Department of Accounting, College of Management and Economics, University of Sulaymaniyah, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Ali Omar Muhammad College of Education, Garmian University, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Performance Budget, Cost-Based Activity System, Government Universities


The aim of this study is to find a new method of budgeting in one of the most important state facilities, namely, government universities, specifically the University of Garmian, by preparing the performance budget using the ABC method to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of limited resources. The budget used in public universities is budget balancing. It is a traditional budget that focuses on the adoption of inputs without attention or focus on the objectives or the measurement of the outputs and the resulting effects, which weakens the accountability approach to efficiency and efficiency in implementation. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a thorough analysis and discussion of the scientific elements related to the fundamentals of the proposed budget was carried out. It was concluded that the performance budget through the use of the ABC system may lead to the effective completion of programs and activities at the University and other government universities. Extent of response to planned programs and objectives.


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How to Cite

Muhammed, A. A., Khzer, K. A., & Muhammad, A. O. (2018). Proposed framework for the preparation and implementation of the performance budget in public universities using the ABC method (applicability to the University of Karamian). Journal of University of Human Development, 4(4), 75–85.


