Electronic diplomacy: A study of the nature, requirements, and implications


  • Dana Ali Salih Barznji College Of Political Science, University of Sulaymaniyah, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




الدبلوماسية الإلكترونية, العلاقات الدبلوماسية, وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي, الدبلوماسية العامة, السياسة الخارجية, العلاقات الدولية


This research treats a new and contemporary subject, i.e. e-diplomacy. Diplomacy has been transformed as a tool of foreign policy and a new pattern of diplomatic practice has emerged through the establishment of virtual embassies and websites of foreign ministries and diplomatic institutions, and also through the large presence of diplomats on social network websites. Additionally, this has been utilized in diplomatic administration and public diplomacy to achieve diplomatic goals. This research focuses on the concept of e-diplomacy and highlights its main characteristics and opportunities it offers to international units. It also focuses on the most important necessities and implications of using e-diplomacy, pros and cons to challenges and risks. With the opportunities offered by such diplomacy to international units in the exercise of their external relations, there are many requirements for such diplomacy. The research has proved its hypothesis which is that the diplomacy of international units cannot be successful if they fail or neglect to provide the essential requirements for e-diplomacy. They really need to use this diplomacy if they want their diplomacy to succeed and develop or if they are to respond to developments in diplomacy, communication technology, and information. Ignoring this will expose them to isolation from the international community, because the role of international relations, now in the official and popular spheres, depends largely on e-diplomacy, especially public diplomacy. It formulates faster communication channels and more efficient than traditional channels and can reach a wider audience, as well as administrative, structural, and informational capabilities it provides.


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How to Cite

Salih Barznji, D. A. (2019). Electronic diplomacy: A study of the nature, requirements, and implications. Journal of University of Human Development, 5(2), 20–36. https://doi.org/10.21928/juhd.v5n2y2019.pp20-36


