Domestic Problems of Married Women Employees


  • Kanyaw Ibrahim Kareem College of Humanities Education - Said Sadiq, Sulaimaniyah University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Domestic problem, Married women employees, traditional values, Child rearing, Middle Eastern societies


The engagement of sociologist scholars with the family issue and the role of women in the family have historical roots. The researcher considered it essential to research a phenomenon affecting most of the world's societies: women's work. The significant needs of life have forced women to work alongside men. However, women's work impacts marriage because women (mothers) are still considered the first pillar of the family. The study aims to reveal the problems of the married life of women employees. The researcher used the social survey method to collect information to achieve this goal. The researcher has created a survey form that the research scope consists of education and health institutions in Sulaimani.

The study found that the motives of the study sample are due to material achievements, men's adherence to traditional values and lack of willingness and spirit of cooperation to help their wives in carrying out work and organizing the household is the cause of marital problems.

Women employees have maintained a good balance between professional work and marriage. Therefore, they face conflicts and problems due to society's difficulties, not women's incompetence. The questioned (respondents) faced issues such as educating their children because they are employees, followed by issues between spouses. At the end of the study, the researcher presented some recommendations.


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How to Cite

Kareem, . K. I. (2022). Domestic Problems of Married Women Employees. Journal of University of Human Development, 8(4), 103–112.


