An analytical economic study of the cucumber crop production systems in Sulaymaniyah Governorate for the agricultural season (2021-2022)
Cucumber crop, production function, Cost function, Production efficiency, Economic and actual production volume, Resource mix, Production systemsAbstract
The research aims to analyze the productive and economic efficiency of the cucumber crop and to evaluate the three production systems (open system - traditional farming, greenhouse farming, plastic tunnel farming system) which are economically different in Sulaymaniyah Governorate. This is done by using primary (direct) data collected for a sample of farmers (producers) of the cucumber crop in the three systems in the agricultural season 2021-2022.
The research determined the most important and most influential production elements in the production of the cucumber crop produced by the three production systems, namely organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer. The actual production of the cucumber crop in the Sulaymaniyah Governorate was found in the primary production stage (non-economic) in the three systems, as it reached about 16 tons per dunam in the case of open cultivation, about (40 tons per dunam) in the greenhouse farming system, and about (24 tons per dunam) in the case of the greenhouse system. Cultivation by tunneling method. The estimated net yield per ton is about (9934 thousand dinars) in the greenhouse cultivation system, then the production comes in the tunnel system with a net return per ton about (3511 thousand dinars). The level of economic efficiency of the cucumber crop in the open cultivation system was lower compared to the previous two systems. The yield of a ton of cucumber crop was estimated at about (1231 thousand dinars) only.
The research recommends the optimal use of the optimal economic quantities of the two production components, organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer, as they are among the effective elements to increase the production of the cucumber crop in the three systems, by increasing the efficiency of their use in order to reach the economic size and reduce the loss incurred by the farmer due to production in an uneconomical stage (the first stage ).
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