Understanding Political persuasion: Analyzing Image Schemas as Catalysts in Campaign Strategies


  • Bahra Raouf Salih Department of English, College of Language, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq
  • Shilan Ali Hama Sur Department of English, College of Language, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq
  • Suhair Safwat Mohammed Department of English, College of Language, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq




Cognitive semantics, Conceptual structures, Image schema, Electoral campaign


This study delves into the role of image schemas in language with a specific focus on their presence in the construction of metaphors in political speeches delivered during the 2018 electoral campaigns in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Image schemas refer to recurring patterns of understanding that arise from our bodily movements through space. To achieve this, the study utilizes the Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Image-Schema Theory, which investigate the presence of image schemas in political discourse. The study centers on the PATH, CONTAINER and FORCE image schemas, examining their role in the formation of metaphors and how they structure the relationship between source domains (journey and container) and the target domain (politics). Precisely, the study examines how politicians conceptualize politics as a journey or container, identifying four structural elements that define this relationship. The research also considers the persuasive techniques employed by Kurdish politicians and how they impact voting patterns. Overall, the study shows that image schemas are an essential tool in gaining public support and influencing voters, and they work as source domains for accessing target domains.


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How to Cite

Salih, B. R., Hama Sur , S. A., & Mohammed, S. S. (2024). Understanding Political persuasion: Analyzing Image Schemas as Catalysts in Campaign Strategies . Journal of University of Human Development, 10(1), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.21928/juhd.v10n1y2024.pp42-47


