Occupational bullying, its manifestations and causes
A field study in the Western Education Directorate in the city of Sulaymaniyah
Bullying, Workplace bullying, Workplace (Workplace environment)Abstract
The current study aims to identify the characteristics of workplace bullying in the workplace and reveals most of the patterns of expression among employees in the Western Education Directorate in Sulaimani which is taken as research samples, Moreover, the identification of the causes of the distribution of this phenomenon among employees in education institution, this is response to these questions, and analysis this phenomena in institution, the researcher relied on the descriptive analytical approach to the identification of workplace bullying, and causes of the effort to reach the results related to the variables of the study through using of (scale questioner) to gather evidence and reach the actual publication of the study, it is showed that the workplace bullying which is existed among employees in this institution in its various physical, verbal and functional forms and between a number of reasons and factors encourages the Buller to practice bullying behaviors against colleges as conflict function in the workplace, through suggestion and recommendation the study aims to create a safe work environment for employees to improve their job performance and their understanding of harassment and its negative impact of bullying on individuals and groups ,although having punishment for Buller to decrease the phenomenon and further studies on this phenomenon and its relationship to other variables and factors.
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