Social media addiction and its relationship with self-regulation among students at University of Sulaimani
Social Media, Addiction, Self-RegulationAbstract
This study aims to investigate the level of social media addiction and its relationship with self-regulation among students at the College of Basic Education, University of Sulaimani, for the academic year 2023-2024. The research population includes all 2,281 students enrolled in various departments of the college. A sample of 554 students, comprising 118 males and 436 females, was selected randomly. The researcher employed a descriptive-correlational methodology and developed two questionnaires to measure the variables: a 20-item Social Media Addiction Scale and a 22-item Self-Regulation Scale. Both tools were validated by experts in education and psychology, with reliability coefficients of 90% for the social media addiction scale (stability value: 0.86) and 95% for the self-regulation scale (stability value: 0.81).
The researcher utilized the descriptive-correlational method, supported by prior studies and relevant literature. To ensure the accuracy of the instruments, expert opinions in the fields of education, teaching, and psychology were solicited. The reliability of the scales was assessed using the test-retest method. The study's instruments demonstrated high reliability, with the social media addiction scale achieving a reliability rate of 90% and a stability value of 0.86, while the self-regulation scale exhibited a reliability rate of 95% and a stability value of 0.81.
Data were collected from the selected sample and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
The key findings of the study are as follows:
- The level of social media addiction among the study sample was found to be low.
- There were statistically significant differences in social media addiction based on gender and educational level.
- The self-regulation levels among the study sample were high.
- Statistically significant variations in self-regulation were observed according to gender and educational level.
- An inverse relationship was identified between social media addiction and self-regulation; higher levels of social media addiction were associated with lower levels of self-regulation, and vice versa.
سەرچاوەکان بەزمانى عەرەبی:
الزغول،عماد رحیم(٢٠٠٩):مبادى علم النفس التربوی،ط١ ،دار الشروق للنشر والتوزیع،عمان-الأردن.
الشبول ،انور قاسم (٢٠١٠): استراتيجيات التدبر و اثرها علي الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة و مراكز الظبط لذوي التحصيل المرتفع والمنخفض في المرحلة الأساسية العليا ،رسالة دكتوره غير منشورة ،جامعة عمان العربية ،عمان-الأردن.
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العتوم عدنان یوسف وأخرون .(٢٠٠٩) علم النفس التروی ،النظرية واتطبیق،دار المسیرة للنشر واتوزیع والطباعة ، عمان _الأردن.
بکار،عبدالکریم(٢٠١٩):منداڵەکانمان و تۆڕەکۆمەڵایەتییەکان،وەرگێڕانى،بەهجەت جەمیل حامد،چاپی یەکەم،ناوەندى ڕاگەیاندنى ئارا،سلێمانى،عێراق.
راضی،وسام فاضل و التمیمی ،مهند حمید(٢٠١٧):الاعلام الجدید تحولات اتصالیة ورؤى معاصرة،ط١ ،دار الکتاب الجامعی،العین ،الامارات العربیة المتحدة.
عبدالحمید،صلاح محمد(٢٠١٥):الاعلام والقضاء الالکترونى،ط١،أطلس للنشر و الأنتاج الاعلامى،مصر.
على،محمد النوبی محمد(٢٠١٠)الإدمان على الأنترنت فی عصر العولمة،عمان،دار الصفاء للنشر و التوزیع.
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