Academic procrastination and its relationship to neurotic perfectionism among university students
Procrastination, Academic Procrastination, Perfectionism, Neurotic Perfectionism, University students, Sulaymaniyah UniversityAbstract
This study explores the relationship between academic procrastination and neurotic perfectionism on a sample consisting of (200) male and female students from the University of Sulaymaniyah, as well as identifying the differences in the level of both academic procrastination and neurotic perfectionism among the research sample according to the variables: (social gender, academic stage, academic specialization, And the place of residence. The descriptive correlational approach was used, and the academic procrastination measure of Abu Ghazal (2012) was applied. The researcher prepared a measure for neurotic perfectionism consisting of (22) items and applied it to the sample after extracting the validity, and reliability. The results showed the following: - There was a low level of academic procrastination and a high level of neurotic perfectionist tendencies among the research sample. The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences on the academic procrastination scale due to the variables (gender, academic major, place of residence), but there were statistically significant differences on the academic procrastination scale due to the variables (the academic stage in favor of the third stage), and significant differences were found. Statistics on the neurotic perfectionism scale are due to the variables (gender in favor of students, academic stage in favor of the third stage, specialization in favor of scientific specialization, and place of residence in favor of students living with their families). Finally, a significant positive correlation was found between academic procrastination and neurotic perfectionism among students at Sulaymaniyah University. In light of these results, the researcher presented some recommendations and proposals.
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