Evaluating Abstracts of MA Theses and PhD Dissertations in Applied Linguistics in Kurdistan Region Universities
Abstract writing, Academic writing, Applied linguistics, Hyland's modelAbstract
This paper evaluates the quality of abstracts in MA theses and PhD dissertations in Applied Linguistics from universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) between 2007 and 2021. The research employs a rubric or criteria-based evaluation approach, informed by Hyland’s (2000) five-move model, adapted to include criteria for ‘irrelevant information’ and ‘word count’. A comprehensive sample of all the abstracts from the collected data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical methods.
The findings indicate that while most abstracts effectively introduce the research topic and state objectives, they often struggle with the clear presentation of results and maintaining overall coherence. Besides, significant relationships were found between various components of abstract quality, suggesting that improvements in one area (e.g., clarity in ‘introduction’) could positively impact others (e.g., presenting ‘results’).
Moreover, this study highlights the need for enhanced training and guidelines in abstract writing, particularly for Applied Linguistics research, to improve clarity, coherence, and academic rigor of future theses and dissertations. The findings have important implications for improving the quality and accessibility of academic research in the KRI region and its universities.
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