The king Titles of the Sargonid dynasty
Assyrians, Second Empire, Names of Kings, Sargonid Dynasty, SargonAbstract
The Neo-Assyrian Empire was one of the most powerful empires in ancient history, emerging in northern Mesopotamia and later expanding to include regions such as Babylon, Elam, Urartu, the Levant, and Egypt. The empire is historically divided into two distinct periods: the First Empire (911–745 BC) and the Second Empire (745–612 BC). During the Second Empire, a series of influential kings governed the realm, particularly following the rise of Sargon II. This study focuses on the rulers of the Sargonian dynasty—Sargon, Sennacherib, Esarhaddon, and Ashurbanipal—each of whom represents a significant chapter in the empire’s history. Their reigns exemplify the power and scope of the Neo-Assyrian Empire at its height. Key words Assyrians, Second Empire, Names of Kings, Sargonid Dynasty, Sargon.
This research entitled (The king Titles of the Sargonid dynasty) consists of introductory entry, two discussions, conclusions and a list of sources. In the introductory entry we discuss the names of the Assyrians, the geographical location of the Assyrian state and Assyrian origins,In the first chapter we will briefly discuss the formation of the New Assyrian State and the Second Assyrian Empire (745-611 BC) and the Sargon dynasty with King Sargon II and his son Sennacherib and their titles, finally we will discuss Esarhaddon and Ashur Banipal and their titles.
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