Distribution of collocational expressions from the perspective of psychological and contextual meaning

Proverbs as an example


  • Bestun Hassan Ahmad Department of Kurdish Language, College of Basic Education, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.




دەربڕینە چەسپاوەکان, زانستی زمانی دەروونی, ئاوەزمەندی مرۆڤی كورد, تێگەیشتن لەڕێگەی پەندەوە


This study, entitled (Distribution of collocational expressions from the perspective of psychological and contextual meaning: Proverbs as an example), uses descriptive analysis method whilst its data is gathered from literature and from native speakers.

Apart from the introduction, the study consists of two parts: The first part is devoted to introducing the formulaic expressions and proverbs. The science of psychology of language is separated from psycholinguistics by explaining the scope and aim of each of them.

The second part of the study which has two sections describes various psychological dimensions. The first section, depending on psychological literature, introduces problems and psychological disorders which can be found in proverbs. In the second section of the second part, examples of the Kurdish proverbs are listed under the titles of the problems and psychological disorders. Whenever needed, the proverbs are explained psychologically.

Finally, the results, the list of references and an Arabic and English version of the abstract of the study are given.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, B. H. (2020). Distribution of collocational expressions from the perspective of psychological and contextual meaning: Proverbs as an example. Journal of University of Human Development, 6(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.21928/juhd.v6n1y2020.pp1-8


