Ethical leadership and its role in organizational integrity to reduce the nutrients of administrative corruption

An Applied Study on a Sample of Najaf Governorate Departments


  • Yousef Hajim Al-Taie College of Business and Administration, University of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq.
  • Darwn Faraidun Abdulla College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Wrya Najm Rasheed College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Ethical Leadership, Organizational Integrity, Administrative Corruption


The ethical  leadership is considered as one of the most  vital  practices , leadership styles and as an aspects of appropriate behavior to build organizational social relationships between the human capital in organization and its outside , and characterized their relationship by two-way , between the superior and subordinate from one way and  between them and the society on the other hand, in order to focus on strengthen relations processes and the appropriate decision making  in accordance with the behaviors of ethical  leadership Which focuses in its philosophy on credibility, trust and justice in the distribution of decision-making among individuals, and the most important thing that  individuals need is to encourage ethical values that limit the behavior of perverse action or negative behavior, and whenever  the leadership does ethically, they may  led to achieve organizational integrity, which emphasizes its philosophy to avoid negative behaviors or illegal and adhere by the behavior rules and ethical discipline  that would limit from the behavior of deviant corruption or rooted in the organizations. Organizational integrity it deliberated as the most significant aspects of the development of organizations in the third millennium, which focuses socially on the forces of work and highlight the positive side of the Organization activities and educating and training of individuals on such those kind of actions, taking into consideration its impact on the external environment and adherence to ethical standards and principles that they have a mental acceptance. Therefore, it can be said that through ethical leadership and organizational integrity, organizations can reduce the spread of administrative corruption and eliminate its nutrients and incubators by fostering a culture of ethical leadership and working with the principles of organizational integrity within the wholly organization. Hence, the current study focused on the three key variables.  The independent variable is the ethical leadership, according to the model of (Sajefert et al..2016), with its dimension which includes (Justice, ethical principles, orientation towards individuals, separation between authorities, classification and anxiety bearing), while the mediator variable is the organizational integrity which were applied based on the model of (Moon & Hamition: 2013), which its sub-dimensions consists of  (critical task, supervision, focus on the process, focus on efficiency, human resource, trust, learning and improvement, change management). However,  the dependent variable of our study is nutrients of administrative corruption including  the dimensions, which have been obtained from the preliminary study of a number of experts and academics, as identified as more than twenty dimensions and  then the following dimensions, which have been got the agreement between most of the experts, are  (mortal routine, job Infiltration during work, career lazing, partisan interest, multiple control points, lack Importance in specialization, carelessness, lack of commitment, lack of knowledge of the profession ethics, Competencies and incompetence Conflict, the lack of strict laws and regulations, linking salary to productivity). Questionnaires were designed and which have been pre-tested for data collection and measurements were developed using a random sampling method. The questionnaires were distributed for the sample of 70 employees in three important departments in Najaf Governorate (Tax Department, State Real Estate Department and Registration Department) to be a part of the current study. Numerical statistical methods were applied, including mean, standard deviation, percent weight, C.V, and simple and multiple linear regressions using SMART PLS program. The results showed a positive correlation among the three variables in varying proportions. Based on the results of the current study, a number of recommendations were suggested to strengthen the importance of ethical leadership in achieving organizational integrity as well as to reduce the spread of administrative corruption and eliminate its nutrients and incubators in other organizations.


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How to Cite

Al-Taie, Y. H., Abdulla, D. F., & Rasheed, W. N. (2017). Ethical leadership and its role in organizational integrity to reduce the nutrients of administrative corruption: An Applied Study on a Sample of Najaf Governorate Departments. Journal of University of Human Development, 3(2), 272–311.


