Identify best practices in the quality of educational process elements
An analytical exploratory study of the views of a sample of administrative leaders and faculty at the University of Kirkuk
The research targeted to identify best practices in the quality of the elements of the educational process in the University of Kirkuk, to motivation the university to adopt one's practices, dissemination and publication of the associate colleges, by means a necessary step for excellence in educational performance and improve the quality of it's educational system outputs. The research use a descriptive approach and analytical processing theory to identify best practices in the educational elements of the process, Based on a questionnaire for collecting necessary data to determine the level of best practices elements importance of the educational process quality (students, teachers, curriculum), Then build a tool for measure the level of availability of one's practices at the university surveyed, it was chosen as a random sample amounted (50) respondents in Kirkuk University, The (25) respondents in the College of Education and Human Sciences, The (25) respondents in the College of Engineering. The Research has concluded a number of conclusions the most important, the possibility of identifying best practices for the quality of educational elements and measurement through weights contribute in follow up practices and development, as well as there is a high importance degree of availability for the best Practices involved in the colleges surveyed. In light of the findings made a number of proposals, among which was the need to increase the interest of the university administration under discussion to deepen the awareness of the college administration about the best quality educational elements practices importance by pursuit applications and measure the weights of each of them continuously and take advantage of the distinct practices to each other in an easy way and fast, and thus save time, effort and material resources.
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