The impact of the quality of higher education service on customer satisfaction

An exploratory study in private dental colleges in Baghdad


  • Amira Shakoor Waly AL-Bayati Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Nada Ismaiel Jabwry AL-Qmaj Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.



The purpose of this study is to study the impact of the quality of the higher education service on customer satisfaction through an exploratory study in the faculties of private dentistry in Baghdad. (50) students were asked to answer the questionnaires in the questionnaire. The objectives of the study were to determine students' satisfaction with the services provided to them and the factors affecting them. The five-dimensional Likert scale was used.

 In this research, the research community consists of Yarmouk University College, University Degla College, and Al-Rafidain University College in Baghdad. Based on a number of relevant measures, hypotheses were prepared. The study found that the results of the improvement of the level of performance of the educational service provided by the private universities affect the overall satisfaction of the students of the Faculty of Dentistry at the private universities (Al-Rafidain University, Yarmouk University), from the point of view of the students. The level of efficiency of the private universities within the College of Dentistry from the point of view of students 4.42 Compared to the Likert scale of 5 degrees, as well as several recommendations, most important of which is the need for the administration of the civil universities to provide educational service in all its aspects and to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the service performance The desired goal of other universities working with the same specialization.



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How to Cite

Waly AL-Bayati, A. S., & Jabwry AL-Qmaj, N. I. (2017). The impact of the quality of higher education service on customer satisfaction: An exploratory study in private dental colleges in Baghdad. Journal of University of Human Development, 3(2), 652–682.


