The level of application of electronic management functions in the University of Duhok
Electronic management, electronic organizing Electronicleadership, electronic control, electronic planningAbstract
The research aims to detect the level of implementation of electronic management functions (electronic planning, electronic organizing, electronic Leadership, and electronic control) at the University of Duhok. This was the viewpoint of the heads of scientific departments in the colleges of the University، and whether there were significant differences at that level depending on the different individual characteristics of the heads of scientific departments.
The survey instrument (questionnaire) was used to collect field data side where distributed on all heads of scientific departments in the university colleges, which the number were (48),the main conclusion of the research is that the level of implementation of electronic management in the University of Dohuk was at highlevels.
The results indicated that there are significant differences in the views of the heads of scientific departments on the level of implementation of electronic management attributed to individual characteristics (academic achievement، scientific surname، and the number of training courses in the field of electronic management). While the results mentioned that there are no significant differences in their views depending on the length of service in the job site، and specialization. The research included a set of suggestions to enhance the level of electronic management functionsimplementation in the University of Duhok .
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