E-learning, application constraints and remedies

Case Study at Northern Technical University


  • Majid Mohammed Salih Northern Technical University, Mosul, Iraq.
  • Usra Ahmed Jarjis Northern Technical University, Mosul, Iraq.
  • Nidal Ali Suleiman Northern Technical University, Mosul, Iraq.




We seek through the current study to take up the subject of a great deal of importance and the growing popularity in recent years by many of the students and educated as an opportunity for many individuals for the purpose of obtaining scientific certificates Aubramj training conditions they went through may be withheld from them this opportunity, but it is education mail modern educational means were produced by the knowledge revolution and the development of electronic technologies and renewable constantly.

     The study focused on highlighting the most important obstacles that hinder the proper application of e-learning and actress constraints related to each of the (administration, infrastructure, curriculums faculty,authority member and the student) and the adoption of the form questionnaire with a five-year measure was answers and attitudes of analysis (50) Ferdamn faculty members University surveyed, it reached a number of conclusions and recommendations of the conclusions Almezrh ways that support the application of e-learning in the surveyed university.


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How to Cite

Salih, M. M., Jarjis, U. A., & Suleiman, N. A. (2016). E-learning, application constraints and remedies: Case Study at Northern Technical University. Journal of University of Human Development, 2(4), 290–317. https://doi.org/10.21928/juhd.v2n4y2016.pp290-317


