The Roles of Customer's Capital As Human Resource Achieving The Universal Banking

A survey study of samples of employed at the banks of Duhok province


  • Hussein Ahmed Hussein Al-Mzwry Department of Banking and Finance, College of Administration and Economics, University of Duhok, Duhok, Iraq.



The present research aims at the a knowledgement of the role the customer capital as human resource in achieving the universal banking , since the customer is considered the chief concern , and the aria where all banks should focus and the key elements of profitability so , the presnt research attempts energizing and activating the customer capital through four strategices for ( strategy of attracting new gruops of andividuals, strategy of maximizng supporting the customer's comfort , , strategy of financial activity,  strategy of keeping the banks liquidity ) to act as a tool that assists the working commercial banks in duhok province achieve the universal bankig in to reality in this sense two hypotheses were made to examine, the effect on the relationship between the customer capital and universal banking accordingly , afield study was a dopted through a questionnaire list that was distributed to sample of manegers and haed of departments working in the banks of duhok province .

the study concluded many results some of which were represented in the following ;

there is a hung concern with customers capital made by those banks managements and also the increasing raise of the universal banking in the banks of duhok province


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ثالثا: مواقع الانترنيت



How to Cite

Hussein Al-Mzwry, H. A. (2016). The Roles of Customer’s Capital As Human Resource Achieving The Universal Banking: A survey study of samples of employed at the banks of Duhok province. Journal of University of Human Development, 2(1), 296–319.


