The role of the theory of real choices in the development of financial managers and their decisions in the evaluation of investment decisions
Applying to a real estate investment project in Chamchamal district
real options theory, the economic feasibility study, financial managers, cash flowsAbstract
According to traditional theory of the capital budget, the net present value of future cash flows of the project are discounted at an appropriate discount reflects the degree of volatility in expected future cash flows. If the net present value is positive accept the project and vice versa. And also do not show the actions that can be taken after the acceptance of the project and the commencement of work that could result in an increase or decrease of cash flows, and here highlights the shortcomings with the current environment variables that are complex, leading to a search for new methods in line with these new variables and of the theory real options to evaluate investment decisions and that gives a big role Skilled managers in making capital decisions, which is reflected in the cash flows of investment decisions and future reduction of risk, hence requiring real options theory enjoy CFOs high skills in order to maximize the company to which they belong value, so the company's skilled management is an important tributary of the success of companies that are looking for the competitive advantage that achieve the company's goals and the reduction of risk and the resulting Allatakd and of cash flows that you get as a result of the decisions of its managers.
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