Analyze the Relationship between Public relations and Knowledge sharing and their Impact on achieving Excellence Performance
An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of manager’s private banks sector in the city of Erbil
public relations, knowledge sharing, Excellence PerformanceAbstract
The research sought to test the relationship between the dimensions of public relations and represented (trust, commitment and satisfaction) as an independent variable and knowledge sharing as an intermediate variable through its dimensions (individual dimension, organizational dimension and technological dimension) and to know the impact of that relationship on achieving Excellence Performance as an approved variable, and within that framework Is it necessary to answer a basic question that is there a relationship and influence between public relations, knowledge sharing, and outstanding performance? For this purpose, private sector banks were chosen in the city of Erbil. The study sample included a group of managers of private sector banks in the city of Erbil, who numbered (92) managers.
The research adopted the descriptive analytical method. The questionnaire promised the main tool for collecting the required data, which was analyzed by adopting the statistical software (pct v.25 SPSS).
The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a relationship and an effect of public relations in knowledge sharing, which has proven its direct impact on Excellence Performance.
Keywords: public relations, - knowledge sharing, Excellence Performance.
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