Analyzing the integrative relationship between Marketing intelligence system and Mass customization strategies

An analytical field study at the Gasin Tasluja Cement Factory in Sulaymaniyah Governorate


  • Kawa Muhamad Rostam College of Administrative Technical, Sulaymaniyah Polytechnic University, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Kawa Muhamad Farag Qaradaghe University of Sulaymaniyah, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Mass customization strategies, Marketing intelligence system


This research aimed to explain the complementary relationship between the marketing intelligence system and mass customization strategies which is to take advantage of the opportunities available to business organizations through a field case study at the GASN cement factory and Tasluja cement factory in Sulaymaniyah Governorate. And to achieve these goals, the study demonstrated through the theoretical aspect to put forward some of what it is mentioned in both marketing intelligence and mass customization system topics, relying on not a few Arab and foreign resources.  As - for the practical side, the two researchers relied on a questionnaire which included a set of common dimensions between the marketing intelligence system and mass customization system, and then the responses of the research sample were analyzed through the statistical software (SPSS) for data analysis.

The main hypothesis of the research was the existence of a positive and significant relationship between the marketing intelligence systems and mass customization system. The research reached to a number of conclusions. The most important conclusion among these was that there is a significant positive relationship between the two variables, where information technology contributes to supporting the marketing intelligence system by collecting, analyzing, storing and publishing data and converting it into information to help organizations in general and the organization under search in making appropriate decisions to maintain their competitive position in the market. The marketing intelligence system gives a clear vision for the production department to take advantage of existing opportunities in the current market or in the potential markets. Where as the most important suggestions presented by the researchers , are: The necessity of using the latest information technology, such as using computers and servers for the purpose of maintaining; publishing and constantly updating information; moreover to analyzing the market through the information provided by the system for the purpose of production department service and predicting mass customization system.


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How to Cite

Rostam, K. M., & Farag Qaradaghe, K. M. (2020). Analyzing the integrative relationship between Marketing intelligence system and Mass customization strategies: An analytical field study at the Gasin Tasluja Cement Factory in Sulaymaniyah Governorate. Journal of University of Human Development, 6(4), 12–24.


