Diagnosing the most important demographic factors affecting the adoption of school self-evaluation criteria: From the point of view of a sample of teaching and administrative staff in a number of public schools in the city of Kirkuk


  • Yousif obed Amin Department of Business Management, College of Administration and Economics, University of Human Development, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2735-7096




demographic factors, self-evaluation criteria, teaching staff, government schools in the city of Kirkuk


The research aims to diagnose the most important demographic variables for the teaching staff that contribute significantly to the adoption of self-evaluation standards for educational institutions in the Iraqi ministry of education. The intellectual and field principles of the current research were based on a new philosophical perspective that simulates the contents of the personal characteristics of the teaching staff and embodies the possibility of adopting them in improving the quality of the educational process. The research was conducted in a number of public schools in the city of Kirkuk / Iraq by depending on   the opinions survey of a sample of teachers and administrators in the schools surveyed in the city of Kirkuk. Regarding the research population and sample the research population consists of teaching staff in primary schools in the city of Kirkuk, and then selecting a random sample of 100 respondents from the teaching staff in primary schools affiliated to the Kirkuk education directorate.

  A hypothetical scheme was formulated that reflects the consensual relationships between the study dimensions, namely demographic variables as an independent variable (explanatory) and self-evaluation criteria as a followed variable (dependent) thus resulting the main hypothesis which is the null hypothesis that; demographic factors do not affect the adoption of self-evaluation criteria in the researched organizations. It was tested using a number of statistical methods by using the SPSS program, such as a t-test which was conducted, as well as one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), with the aim of explaining the extracted factors as expressing the reality and nature of the relationship between the research variables. The research has concluded that there is no significant effect for sex, educational qualification, experience, academic achievement, and training courses on cognitive performance; skills, values, and trends except for age groups that have impacts on performance dimensions. Based on this, some proposals were indicated, the most important of which are: The school administrations (the research sample) should reconsider the reasons that lead to not benefiting from years of experience and training courses in the areas of improving performance, and then put in place mechanisms that ensure that the gained experience and the courses are more influential in performance.


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How to Cite

Amin, Y. obed. (2021). Diagnosing the most important demographic factors affecting the adoption of school self-evaluation criteria: From the point of view of a sample of teaching and administrative staff in a number of public schools in the city of Kirkuk. Journal of University of Human Development, 7(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.21928/juhd.v7n2y2021.pp1-11


