The impact of the implementation of small projects on the empowerment of workers in non-governmental organizations, a field study in the Center for the Development of Youth Activities in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq


  • Amjad Mohammed Abdulla College of Administration and Economics ,University of Human Development , Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



This study aims to find the impact of implementation of small projects to enable workers in the organizations and to identify the quality of the most influential enterprises in enabling workers,and Verification the correlation between the implementation of small projects and the dimensions of empowerment in practice based on statistical analyzes of minute, research has adopted the adopt a model hypothesis and processed through the theoretical framework addresses the basic vocabulary about small businesses and enabling administrative, and operational framework that includes the adoption of a problem that suggests it does the implementation of small projects to increase the ability of workers, and the premise is the existence of the impact of the implementation of small projects in the empowerment of employees, has Researcher adopted in data processing on a set of indicators and statistical tests to describe the search variables and test the hypothesis, based on the style of the questionnaire to the size of the sample of 92 individuals from working in youth development activities of the center, and finally reach search to a set of conclusions and foremost, workers development Center active young people contribute to the development of plans and objectives of the organization, and that the workers are working with some of the team up to face the challenges and problems they face, and they do not want that exerted on them severe censorship and directly from the top so that limit their creativity, and that the implementation of the small projects positive relationship with possession workers of the information, since the field work is a source to acquire practical information for workers, and that the small projects that help people to develop their expertise in the field of work teams, and make them to fend for themselves and take the initiative in implementing duties


- أبو غنيم، ازىار نعمة، و رحاب حسُت جواد،ٕٕٔٓ ،٘تكُت العاملُت وأثره يف أدارة األزمة التسويقية دراسة تطبيقية يف معمل
السجاد اليدوي يف احللة رللة الغري للعلوـ االقتصادية واالدارية، جامعة الكوفة، عدد ٕٕ اجمللد الثامن،
- أبو القاسم احلسُت بن زلمد ادلعروؼ بالراغب األصفهاين، ادلفردات يف غريب القر ف، ٖتقيق: زلمد سيد كيبلين ، بَتوت:
دار ادلعرفة.
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- بوىنة علي، بلحاج فراجي، ٕٓٔٓ، ادلؤسسات الصغَتة وادلتوسطة وسبل تدعيم قدراهتا التنافسية"، ادللتقى الوطٍت
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- البنك األىلي ادلصري، ادلنشآت الصغَتة وادلتناىية الصغر يف ظل القانوف رقم ٔٗٔ لسنة ٕٗٓٓ، النشرة االقتصادية،
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) 147 (
جملة جامعة التنمية البشزية / اجمللد )2 / )العدد ) 2 )حزيزان2016 اثز تنفيذ املشاريع الصغرية على متلني العاملني... /ص ص121-151
- الطاىر، عبد الباري زلمد، ومرزوؽ عبد العزيز علي،ٜٕٓٓ، ٘تكُت العاملُت مػدخل لتحسػُت ادارة ازمػات احلػج ،
جامعػة ادللك سعود ، كلية االداب.
- العاين، ثائر زلمود رشيد ، و زلمد علي موسى، ٕ٘ٓٓ، إسًتاتيجية دعم وتطوير الصناعات الصغَتة يف ضوء تقوًن
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How to Cite

Abdulla, A. M. (2016). The impact of the implementation of small projects on the empowerment of workers in non-governmental organizations, a field study in the Center for the Development of Youth Activities in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq. Journal of University of Human Development, 2(2), 121–151.


