A field research on citizens of Sulaymani city


  • Hawre Mahmood Rasool Department of Media, College of Humanities Science, University of Sulaymani, Sulaymani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.




Role, Television station, Kurdish television station, Water, Water issues, Awareness, Citizen, Kurdsat media network


this scientific research investigates the role of Kurdsat media regarding raising awareness of its audience on how to deal with national treasure of water and water issues in Kurdistan Region.

The society of the research consists of (residence in Sulaymani city) and  samples of Sulaymani citizens of various occupations (breadwinner, student, teacher, employee) and jobless individuals that’s a total of 350 samples, taken in (purposeful non-random) way.

The research aims to shed light on the role of Kurdsat media on the following aspects:

- raising awareness to the audience regarding the realization of strategic value and role of the water as national treasure in the world, locally and in Kurdistan region and Sulaymani city.

- advocating awareness to the people about keeping clean the water sources in Sulaymani city.

- encouraging the people to not waste water and use it accordingly.

- knowing the benefit the people took from Kurdsat media to take information about waster distribution system in Sulaymani city.

Curriculum-wise, the research is a descriptive survey, survey forms and main and secondary sources as data collection were used, the conclusion showed that Kurdsat media in this matter was as the following:

- it had little role in raising awareness of the people regarding the realization of strategic value of water as national treasure in the world and locally in Kurdistan region and Sulaymani city.

- it has a role to some extent about raising awareness of the people regarding keeping the water sources clean of the city.

- It had a role to some extent in encouraging the people not to waste water and use water accordingly.

- the people benefited to some extent from Kurdsat media to take information about water distribution system in Sulaymani city.


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How to Cite

Rasool, H. M. (2023). Kurdsat Media network ROLE IN RAISING AWARENESS REGARDING WATER ISSUES: A field research on citizens of Sulaymani city. Journal of University of Human Development, 9(3), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.21928/juhd.v9n3y2023.pp1-17


