The role of investing in human resources in supporting the reputation of the organization.
An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of faculty members at the Sulaymaniyah Technical Institute, Sulaymaniyah Technical University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Investment in human resources, Organizational reputation, Sulaymaniyah Technical InstituteAbstract
The aim of the study is to analyze the role of investment in human resources in supporting the reputation of the organization, The analytical descriptive approach was adopted to define the theoretical and field framework for the concepts and variables of the research, the two researchers used the questionnaire form as a tool for data collection, and (100) questionnaires were distributed to a sample of faculty members at the Sulaymaniyah Technical Institute, Sulaymaniyah Technical University, and (91) valid forms for analysis were obtained, and in order to test the research hypotheses, correlations were tested and influence through the application of statistical methods by the statistical program (SPSS V.26), the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the presence of a significant correlation between investment in human resources and the reputation of the organization and the presence of a positive and significant effect of the dimensions of investment in human resources (training and development, organizational culture, innovation, experience) in supporting the reputation of the organization with its dimensions (creativity , social responsibility, financial performance, quality) in the researched university, the dimension of experience had the greatest impact among the four dimensions of investment in human resources in supporting the reputation of the organization. Accordingly, the two researchers suggested the need to strengthen and invest more in human resources by developing their skills and improving their scientific level, especially in academic institutions, because human resources are the cause of all progress and good results, as human capital is the source of all innovation and improving the reputation of the university.
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