News coverage of the Turkish issue in the Kurdish press
Analytical study on the newspapers of Rudaw and Awena
رۆژنامه, توركیا, رووماڵ, ناخشیكاریی, كوردستانAbstract
The Kurdish media in Kurdistan Region- especially recently- has paid a great attention to the coverage of the Turkish issues, when you follow the( visual, audible , written and electronic) kurdish media, you obviously see the great amount of news, reports, pictures, articles , press interviews and other press editing arts, in a way or another shed light on an aspect of Turkish issues and analyse it. It is clear that the concern and coverage are from both sides. Which means that Turkish media also focus on Kurdistan Region' s issues, and covers the political, economical and social aspects of Kurdistan Region. So that it is the responsibility of the researchers and the academists to analyse the level , distance and content of this attention and reach some scientific and informational results.
The significance of this study lies also on the academic and scientific need in Kurdistan Region of Iraq for such Studies to know how much kurdish media concern about Turkish issues. This study tried to reach some of this aim. The research is of three sections: the first one is the method of the study. The second section is the theory of the study which is about covering different issues. And in the third section, the researcher uses ( content analysis) method, in which he analysis why does the kurdish media concern about Turkish issues and did the practical part of the study
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