The attitude of Kurdish elite toward The Arab media discourse -Aljazeera as an example


  • Yahya Omer Fatah Department of Technical Media, College of Technical and Administration, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Ahmed Hamagharib Omar Bali College of Law and Policy, University of Human Development, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Aljazeera, Kurdish Elites, Media Perception, Kurdish Issues, Arabs and Kurds relationships


This study investigates the attitude of Kurdish political and academic elite toward the Arab media discourse in particular Aljazeera TV Channel as the most Arab popular political TV. This study also seeks to evaluate the popularity of Aljazeera according to the respondents' views and analyzes their perceptions with the object of comprehending how this TV channel is in addressing and showing the Kurdish issues.  The survey method has been applied in this research was a questionnaire to gather data from 144 respondents. With regard to dada analysis, indicators, and research outcomes, this research finds that Aljazeera has lost its popularity because of not presenting and highlighting the Kurdish issues at a level which is compatible with the respondents' ambitions. To strike the balance and connect Kurdish people to the Arab world, this study recommends introducing a TV channel or a website in Kurdish language by the Aljazeera media organisation because the new generation tend not to understand and prefer the media contents in Arabic language as many Kurdish media have started to fulfil their audience's needs and expectations.


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How to Cite

Fatah, Y. O., & Omar Bali, A. H. (2017). The attitude of Kurdish elite toward The Arab media discourse -Aljazeera as an example. Journal of University of Human Development, 3(3), 47–77.


