The role of good governance in the promotion of investment frameworks in Iraq with a special reference to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for the period (2006 - 2016)


  • Arshad Mohammed Ahmed College of Administration and Economics ,University of Human Development , Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Good governance, Investment environment, Kurdistan Region


 Good governance is one of the most important terms that various local and international organizations have started to call through their various reports. It is important to create an environment conducive to achieving economic growth rates by creating an appropriate investment climate. At the beginning of the 21st century, The markets began to open up and the opportunities became bigger and the responsibilities of governments towards their people and countries increased. This helped to develop and prosper. In contrast, many countries suffered and continue to suffer from poverty, hunger, scientific and economic backwardness, Its ability to adapt to the global system as well as the inability to move forward with the market economy, all of which led to the need to adopt the approach of good governance in the management of the various joints of the State as the best solution to the various political problems, administrative, economic and social, as a participatory system and transparent And this includes the choice of good governance and its role in strengthening the investment frameworks, which aims to identify the indicators of good governance and its role in attracting foreign investment to achieve the economic and social goals that Iraq seeks to achieve in general and reflect On the investment reality in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in particular.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, A. M. (2019). The role of good governance in the promotion of investment frameworks in Iraq with a special reference to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for the period (2006 - 2016). Journal of University of Human Development, 5(1), 79–85.


