The Role of Banking Automation in Activating the Financial Structure of the Saudi Banking System for the Period (2008-2014)


  • Arshad Mohammed Ahmed College of Administration and Economics ,University of Human Development , Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



banking technology, banking system, financial system


The banking automation one of the most important characteristics of the financial and banking systems in the modern era, which led to obtain a breakthrough in the quality of banking services provided and the transition from traditional banking to modern banking, which hastened the transmission of internal and external financial flows from units fiscal surplus operations into units deficit financial, leading to Thant financial architecture, which is the artery that feeds the investments in infrastructure, as the technology to accelerate contribute to or use of time in the transfer of funds between units of the fiscal surplus to units of the fiscal deficit and the repayment of financial obligations between the different types of customers in the banking and financial systems, and that is reflected positively on the financial and banking system in particular, and economic development in general.

Hence highlight the Saudi banking work that follow strategies to develop it for a long time , and try to Kingdom of access Banking work to the world in providing various banking and financial services , because whenever the banking system is well-developed as indicated by the presence or the adoption of many and varied financial instruments that allow many options to customers with which contributes to the activation of the investment environment.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, A. M. (2016). The Role of Banking Automation in Activating the Financial Structure of the Saudi Banking System for the Period (2008-2014). Journal of University of Human Development, 2(3), 383–396.


