Translation Constraints and Procedures to Overcome them in Rendering Journalistic Texts


  • Sabir Hasan Rasul Department of English, College of Language, University of Human Development, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Even the simplest, most basic requirement we make of translation cannot be met without difficulty: one cannot always match the content of a message in language A by an expression with exactly the same content in language B, because what can be expressed and what must be expressed is a property of a specific language in much the same way as how it can be expressed.

      Translation cannot be done without difficulties and constraints, no matter what languages are involved. It is more so in translating between English and Kurdish, which are marked by different linguistic systems and socio-cultural incongruities. When encountered with translation constraints, translators usually resort to employing translation procedures in a bid to eliminate such difficulties and ultimately achieve translation adequacy. This study aims to identify the patterns of translation constraints encountered when translating journalistic texts from English into Kurdish, as well as identify the patterns of translation procedures employed to overcome such constraints. The aim behind this endeavour is to first better understand the working process of professional or semi-professional journalist-translators working into Kurdish, and secondly, to heighten trainee translators’ awareness and introduce them to the nature and patterns of translation difficulties and the translation procedures undertaken to overcome such difficulties.


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How to Cite

Rasul, S. H. (2016). Translation Constraints and Procedures to Overcome them in Rendering Journalistic Texts. Journal of University of Human Development, 2(3), 402–419.


