Investment in human resources and its impact on the development of banks and profitability A study from the viewpoints (financial accounting) applied to the Bank of the Al-dijl and Al-Forat for the period (6227 - 6212)


  • Mohammed Hameed Ibrahim Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics, University of Human Development, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Ammar Shahab Ahmad Department of Banking and Finance, College of Administration and Economics, University of Human Development, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Arshed Mohammed Al-Mahmood Department of Banking and Finance, College of Administration and Economics, University of Human Development, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



research and development, investment in human resources, accounting and human resources


The human resources of the new element of the production elements in light of the knowledge and characte ristic economy flagship of the leadership attributes enjoyed by modern banks, and from this point of banks seeking to develop human resources in order to be able to offer various traditional and modern business than can banks to increase their market share and reflect positively their profitability. Sheds search light on the banks that invest in human resources by estimating the cost of access to and impact on profitability, as the more developed the technology used in banks, so it needs to adapt human resources all to increase efficiency and the possibility of dealing with it, will be to prove that the cost accounting and compare it with the profitability of the bank for the same period and the statement of the relationship between investment in human resources and profitability of the bank.


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9 .اا ردميية العربية امل توحة الدمنرركا
01 .ال بدرنا ثدر ر درب ميرهدنيا هدنرا امحددا 2117ا ااوصدرح ادع ااهدتنهرر املدوارد البشدرية الت دررير املرليدة
لروحداة ااصتصردية العراصيةا رة العروم ااصتصردية ماادارية ا،رد 03 /العدد 45.
Arab British Academy for Higher



How to Cite

Ibrahim, M. H., Ahmad, A. S., & Al-Mahmood, A. M. (2016). Investment in human resources and its impact on the development of banks and profitability A study from the viewpoints (financial accounting) applied to the Bank of the Al-dijl and Al-Forat for the period (6227 - 6212). Journal of University of Human Development, 2(2), 215–226.


