A Review on IoT Intrusion Detection Systems Using Supervised Machine Learning: Techniques, Datasets, and Algorithms
Internet of thing, Intrusion detection, Intrusion detection system techniques, Intrusion detection system datasets, Ranker feature selection, Information gain, Gain Ratio, supervised Machine learning Algorithms, Thoracic Surgery, Cross-Validation.Abstract
Physical objects that may communicate with one another are referred to “things” throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) concept. It introduces a variety of services and activities that are both available, trustworthy and essential for human life. The IoT necessitates multifaceted security measures that prioritize communication protected by confidentiality, integrity and authentication services; data inside sensor nodes are encrypted and the network is secured against interruptions and attacks. As a result, the issue of communication security in an IoT network needs to be solved. Even though the IoT network is protected by encryption and authentication, cyber-attacks are still possible. Consequently, it’s crucial to have an intrusion detection system (IDS) technology. In this paper, common and potential security threats to the IoT environment are explored. Then, based on evaluating and contrasting recent studies in the field of IoT intrusion detection, a review regarding the IoT IDSs is offered with regard to the methodologies, datasets and machine learning (ML) algorithms. In This study, the strengths and limitations of recent IoT intrusion detection techniques are determined, recent datasets collected from real or simulated IoT environment are explored, high-performing ML methods are discovered, and the gap in recent studies is identified.
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