Limitations of Load Balancing and Performance Analysis Processes and Algorithms in Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing, Load Balancing, Task Scheduling, Resource Allocation, Task Allocation, Performance StabilityAbstract
In the modern IT industry, cloud computing is a cutting-edge technology. Since it faces various challenges, the most significant problem of cloud computing is load balancing, which degrades the performance of the computing resources. In earlier research studies, the management of the workload to address all resource allocation challenges that caused by the participation of a large number of users has received important attention. When several people are attempting to access a given web application at once, managing all of those users becomes exceedingly difficult. One of the elements affecting the performance stability of cloud computing is load balancing. This article evaluates and discusses load balancing, the drawbacks of the numerous methods that have been suggested to distribute load among nodes, and the variables that are taken into account when determining the best load balancing algorithm.
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