A Slantlet based Statistical Features Extraction for Classification of Normal, Arrhythmia, and Congestive Heart Failure in Electrocardiogram
Electrocardiogram, Slantlet, Abnormal arrhythmia, Congestive heart failure, Normal sinus rhythmAbstract
Intelligent and automated systems for diagnosing heart disease play a key role in treatment of heart disease and hence mitigating the possibility of heart disease, heart failure or sudden death. Thus, a Computer-Aided Design CAD system can provide a doctors with a clue about the category of patient heart disease, which might be Normal Sinus Rhythm, Abnormal Arrhythmia (ARR), and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. In this work a novel Slantlet transform (SLT) statistical features have been extracted and selected for 900 ECG segments taken from MIT-BIH ARR Database equally from three classes mentioned above for heart dieses classification through ECG signals. Based on the superiority of SLT in time localization as compared to the traditional wavelet transform, 12 out of 14 statistical features have been successfully passed the ANOVA test with P-value of 10−3. Then after, the relevant features are provided to three well-known classifiers (Support Vector Machine [SVM], K-nearest neighbor, and Naive Bayes). The performance tests show that Attaining 99.254% classification average AUC it can be achieved using SLT transform based features along with SVM classifier, which is a set of related supervised machine learning algorithm used for regression and classification with high generalization ability. It performs classification on two group problems. SVM classifier determines the best hyperplane which distinguishes between each positive and negative training sample.
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