Characterization of European Medieval Silver Bars Using Micro X-ray Fluorescence, Conductivity Meter and Scanning Electron Microscopy
The objective of this paper is to use μ-X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis to evaluate the fineness and components of European Medieval Silver Bars samples. Conductivity measurements were used to assess the fineness and localization of the faults found in the samples. Because unevenness causes a change in conductivity, the tests were performed on the flattest areas of the Bars. Some rods, such as B3 and B9, have greater conductivity than others. All bars were subjected to the segregation test. In the instance of certain bars, it was not always practicable to categorically state that segregation had happened. There is no diminishing conductivity curve as one moves away from the zero height, as there is for bars B1, B8, and B9. As a result, there may be no solidification on these bars from Obverse to Reverse. A scanning electron microscope was used to record the following bars at various positions on the bars, and quantitative determinations were achieved using energy-dispersed XRF analysis through intensity measurements of the element-specific wavelength.
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