Quality and its role in the management of tourism as one of the sources of funding in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

دراسة لمجموعة من الفنادق في مدينة السليمانية لفترة(2017-2018)


  • Nihad Khalid Department of Finance and Banking, College of Management and Economics, University of Human Development, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Kawa Muhammad Rostam Faculty of Technical Management, Sulaymaniyah Polytechnic University, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq




Service quality, Economic diversification, Tourism management, Tourism Services, Kurdistan Region


The problem of the study comes out of unknowing the effect of quality of tourism services on the development of tourism sector, which leads to deepen more in rent-seeking economy in Kurdistan region, lack of cultural level and awareness make the tourism resorts are not attractive for tourists, the absence of tourism facilities such as hotels, restaurants, furnished apartments for tourists especially in tourism seasons for the purpose of benefiting it as a financing source, and also depending on oil have led not to pay attention to other sectors like tourism sector.       

The objective of the study is knowing the role of tourism services quality of hotels of Sulaimaniyah governorate, via knowing tourism management and to whaat extent they have services quality, the researchers used the analytical descriptive method and they have taken a sample of hotels in Sulamaniyah governorate which are Sulamaniyah Palace hotel, Paradise hotel, Yelda hotel and Ramada hotel, by distributing questionnaire among employees who work in top and middle management levels such as top managers and executive managers, and questionnaire distributed randomly and the questionnaires are responded by (39) persons with the proportion (86.67%). The study concluded that taking the implementation of services quality in tourism; especially, in hotels is very necessary.


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How to Cite

Khalid, N., & Rostam, K. M. (2018). Quality and its role in the management of tourism as one of the sources of funding in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: دراسة لمجموعة من الفنادق في مدينة السليمانية لفترة(2017-2018). Journal of University of Human Development, 179–198. https://doi.org/10.21928/juhd.v0n0y2018.pp179-198



Conference Paper