The investment trend of Sulaimany Governorate for the period 2006 – 2013


  • Arshad Mohammed Ahmed College of Administration and Economics ,University of Human Development , Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Investment, Sulaimany Governorate, Investment law


This study deals with the strategic and important role of investment in stimulating the economic development of the country through directing the investment into different sectors to contribute in promoting the level of the productivity and efficiency of the economic resources which is positively reflected on the capital construction of the country which leads to achieving acceptable growth rates. The research aimed at framing a theoretical aspect of the investment and manifesting the trends and distributions of the investment projects on the economic sectors in Sulaimany Governorate as well as showing the nationality of the investor and the amount of the capital invested in these projects. The research also shows the vast expansion in the investment flows whether foreign, national or corporate and especially the national ones which represented the biggest portion of the projects and the capital invested in the aforementioned governorate which is attributed to a set of reasons including the political and security stability of the governorate as well as the issuance of the investment law No. (4) for the year 2006 which encourages the investors in the governorate by a group of incentives that this law includes. The more important reason in the escape of the capitals from the other Iraqi governorates, other than Kurdistan governorates, (the governorate of the center) as a result of the fragile security and political as well as the economic circumstances from which the Iraqi society suffer. Finally, the research reached a number of conclusions and recommendations which support the investment sector in Sulaimany Governorate.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, A. M. (2016). The investment trend of Sulaimany Governorate for the period 2006 – 2013. Journal of University of Human Development, 2(1), 368–387.


