Knowledge: Types and Fields
Knowledge, Cognitive, Experience, Proposition, Knowledge DynamicsAbstract
This research attempts to illustrate knowledge from the perspective of
Pragmatic Perception within the framework of Cognitive linguistics, which is
the basis for the formation of knowledge, in the core knowledge consist of
human worldview and meaning usage (Pragmatic), which human became
familiar with through experience, and they are formed in the mind through
conceptualizations. Here we can say it is not necessarily always proposition as a
unit carrying information be true, but the proposition is not alone, it includes
some information and other aspects, it will produce a lot of flexibility, in
cognition processes, which are (Attention, Understanding, Learning, Decision-
making, etc.) it will be reason to reach the truth, and this explains that
knowledge develops through sharing, organizational and community work, not
only depend on the truth condition of and its justification, but on practical
learning and executing justification, within experience which are directed
cognition processes to further development and production, on this is concern
with side (mentality, experience), basis Cognitive linguistics, which are
achieved by our five senses and essential to develop knowledge Cognitive, this
will change the fields of knowledge in specific situation dynamically from one
field to another.
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