Code Switching and Code Mixing
Code, Code Switching, Code MixingAbstract
This research Paper under the title (code switching and code_ mixing), we research theories and causes of their occurrence and their different linguistic levels as represented by the examples used among Kurdish – speaking people. In order to establish scientific methodology in the research paper the research is divided into three integrated sections: the first section is dedicated to the reasons and motivations for the code_ switching and code mixing in which we explained the reasons and the linguistic and nonlinguistic motives for the occurrence of this phenomenon. In the second part of the paper marked with code_ switching, we discussed the types of conversion codes and language elements for the conversion of codes. In the third section under the title ‘code_ mixing, we explained the vision and methods of mixing the codes, as well as the methods and structure of code mixing is explained. Finally, we presented the most important results found in the research paper
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