Relative Expression in Kurdish Language


  • Karwan Omar Qadir Department of Kurdish, College of Language, Sulaimani University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Shaima Mahmood Ahmad Department of Kurdish Language, Sharazoor College of Education, University of Halabja , Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Relativism, Linguistic Relativity, Relative Expression , Language Variation, Linguistic Determine, linguistics Weak


The proposed research is about a scientific study of lingustic relativity expression in the field of cognitive sociolinguistics. it is believed that the composition of  language and the various explorations speakers use are not only limited for communication, but language as a medium tends to show the potential with which humans can think and feel. Kurdish language, just like any other languages, possesses this relative characteristic. this way speakers can relatively express their relative thoughts and feelings. Nonetheless, uttering an expression in different  ways might significantly  enhance the language wich could also be a linguistic rule of languages. The proposed research  aims to investigate and explore this linguistic characteristic in the Kurdish language.                                               


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How to Cite

Qadir, K. O., & Ahmad, S. M. (2023). Relative Expression in Kurdish Language. Journal of University of Human Development, 9(1), 47–55.


