The Influence of Arabic on the Kurdish Language Book (DOO Rashta) Model
This paper studies the influence of the Arabic language on the Kurdish language, to what extent the Kurdish language is influenced by the Arabic language and the forms of this linguistic influence. It is well-known that the non-Arabic speaking Islamic peoples were much influenced by the language of the Holy Quran. This is so because they need to understand the teachings of Islam. The aim of the present study is to reveal the forms in which the Kurdish language is influenced by the Arabic language and the forms in which Arabic words are used in the Kurdish language. This influence is manifested in three issues:
- The influence of Arabic on the Kurdish language by vocabularies which have retained their Arabic morphological and phonological structure.
- Its influence on the Kurdish language by vocabularies which obey the grammar of the Kurdish language, i.e. they are attached to Kurdish pronouns and used in the negative and interrogative according to the rules of the Kurdish language.
- Its influence on the Kurdish language by replacing some sounds in the Arabic words by other sounds consistent with the linguistic use of the Kurdish language. The reason behind that is the proximity or the sameness of the place of articulation.
Its influence on the Kurdish language by replacing some sounds in the Arabic words by other sounds consistent with the linguistic use of the Kurdish language due to the features of the sound.
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8. من أسرار العربية، الدكتور إبراهيم أنيس، القاهرة، مكتبة الانجلو المصرية.
9. المدخل الى علم اللغة ومناهج البحث اللغوي، رمضان عبدالتواب،مكتبة الخانجي-مصر
10. واقع التعريب في الدول العربية _ كردستان العراق انموذجا، عباس علي سليمان، بحث مقدم في جامعة صلاح الدين – أربيل (30/1/2013).