Knowledge Management Functions Applied in Jordanian Industrial Companies: Study the Impact of Regulatory Overload
Knowledge Management;, Organizational Overload, Statistical Analysis, Jordanian Industrial CompaniesAbstract
This research aims to study the impact of electronic information overload on knowledge management functions in Jordanian industrial companies. The research population included all Jordanian industrial companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. A simple random sample of 30% of the research population of 1242 seniors and middle managers in the research population was done to 373 individuals. 206 questionnaires are successfully retrieved to be analyzed. Descriptive and heuristic statistical methods such as simple and multiple regression analysis were applied using SPSS.16 program. The obtained result indicated that there is a statistically significant impact of the electronic information overload (organizational overload) on the knowledge management functions (acquisition, generation, transmission, sharing, and application of knowledge) in Jordanian industrial companies. In the scope of the results, this work made a number of recommendations, including: Adopting an organizational aspect that suits the nature of the tasks that the industrial companies operate in Jordan, in addition to providing technical capabilities to reduce the electronic information overload faced by the industrial companies in Jordan while practicing their tasks.
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