Impact of Technological Burden on Knowledge Management Functions in Jordanian Industrial Companies
Knowledge Management, Organizational Overload, Statistical Analysis, Jordanian Industrial CompaniesAbstract
The goal of this study is to see how electronic information overload affects knowledge management functions in Jordanian businesses. All Jordanian industrial enterprises registered on the Amman Stock Exchange were included in the study’s sample. Three hundred and seventy-three people were chosen at random from a simple random sample of 30% of the study population of 1242 senior and intermediate managers in the research community. Following the retrieval of the surveys, 206 questionnaires were found to be valid for analysis. It was used to do descriptive and heuristic statistical procedures, like simple and multiple regression analysis. The SPSS.16 application was used to do this. The study ends with the following findings: Electronic information overload (technological overload) has a statistically significant influence on knowledge management functions (acquisition, generation, transmission, exchange, and application) in Jordanian industrial companies. This work made a number of recommendations as a result of its findings, including: Adopting an organizational aspect that suits the nature of the tasks that industrial companies in Jordan perform, as well as providing technical capabilities to reduce the electronic information overload that these companies face while performing their tasks.
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